Pengaruh Perilaku Petugas Rekam Medis Terhadap Penyimpanan Rekam Medis di Rumah Sakit

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Julia Indriaty


Medical records are essential documents in healthcare services, serving as a source of information for medical personnel and as legal evidence in various situations. Proper storage of medical records largely depends on the behavior of medical records officers in performing their duties. This study aims to analyze the influence of medical records officers' behavior on the quality of medical records storage in hospitals. The research method used is a cross-sectional design with a quantitative approach. Data were collected through questionnaires and direct observations of medical records officers in several hospitals. The study results indicate that discipline, adherence to standard operating procedures (SOPs), and the officers' understanding of the importance of medical records significantly affect the quality of medical records storage. Therefore, enhancing training for medical records officers and optimizing hospital management information systems (HMIS) can be solutions to improve the efficiency and accuracy of medical records storage

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