Efektifitas Fisioterapi Dada terhadap Pengeluaran Sputum pada Anak yang Mengalami Gangguan Bersihan Jalan Nafas dengan Bronkopneumonia

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Yunita Muliasari
Cicielia Ernawati Rahayu


Background: World Health Organization (WHO), 15% of deaths of children under 5 years old were caused by pneumonia in 2017, more than 800,000 children. More than 2 million children die every year due to pneumonia (WHO, 2019). Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) 2018, pneumonia is still the highest cause of death in babies under five years of age (toddlers) and newborns. In 2018, the prevalence increased by 1.6%. Bronchopneumonia is a lung inflammation that usually attacks the terminal broncheoli. The terminal bronchieli are blocked by mocopurulent exudate which causes airway clearance problems because the patient experiences increased sputum, and it is difficult to expel the sputum, for this reason the patient requires chest physiotherapy to help expel the sputum. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of chest physiotherapy on sputum discharge in bronchopneumonia patients.  This research method uses a descriptive case study. The population is all children with bronchopneumonia who received chest physiotherapy. The sampling technique used purposive sampling with a sample size of two people. The results of this study show that chest physiotherapy will be effective if given correctly and can help expel sputum. Conclusion Chest physiotherapy can improve airway clearance in bronchopneumonia patients.  Suggestions for future researchers are to carry out chest physiotherapy procedures with a larger number of respondents and for a longer time.

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