Pengaruh Intervensi Senam Kaki terhadap Sensitivitas Kaki Diabetesi di Panti Sosial Bina Daksa Budi Bhakti

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Background: Type II DM is based on conditions of excessive insulin levels, due to insulin resistance. Cellular immunity to insulin performance is the main cause of the escalation of type 2 DM. obesity, laziness, disease, medication and aging. In type II DM, individuals experience decreased insulin resistance sensitivity, causing hyperglycemia exceeding the normal limit of >250 mg/dL, one of the complications that occurs is neuropathy, namely decreased sensitivity in the diabetic's feet. Objective: This study aims to examine whether there is an effect of applying foot exercises on the level of foot sensitivity in diabetics at the Bina Daksa Budi Bhakti Social Home 2. Research Method: This research uses a case study form to determine the effect of foot exercise therapy on foot sensitivity in diabetics. The inclusion criteria for elderly respondents were decreased sensitivity in the feet and blood sugar levels >200 mg%. Results: Based on research results, the effect of foot exercise intervention was proven to be effective in reducing tingling in both respondents' feet. Before the action to reduce sensitivity on the right & left feet, the sensitivity level during the assessment was 5 on the right foot and 6 on the left foot, for respondent I and for respondent II the value was 6 on the right foot and 7 on the left foot. After 6 days of intervention, the tingling in the feet decreased and the sensitivity level of both respondents' feet increased by 1-2 points

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