Asuhan Keperawatan Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Istirahat Tidur Dengan Pemberian Aroma Terapi Lavender Terhadap Insomnia Pada Lansia

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Lenny Rosbi Rimbun
Fina Elviana


Background: Elderly people experience several health problems, including sleep disorders. Sleep disorders that often occur in the elderly are insomnia, with complaints that patients have difficulty sleeping, often wake up at night, feel dissatisfied with their sleep, and the body feels tired after waking up, thus the main nursing diagnosis is Sleep pattern disorders associated with lack of sleep control. One way to deal with insomnia non-pharmacologically is by giving lavender aroma therapy. Objective: to provide nursing care for the fulfillment of sleep rest needs by providing lavender aroma therapy to reduce insomnia in the elderly. Method: case study of 2 patients with 5 days of intervention. Research results: in patients 1 and 2 obtained, namely after being given the intervention of giving lavender aroma therapy, patient 1 from moderate insomnia (score 30) to no insomnia (score 19) while Patient 2 from moderate insomnia (score 31) to no insomnia (score 15). Conclusion: Giving lavender aroma therapy proved effective for reducing insomnia in the elderly.

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