Asuhan Keperawatan pada Klien Ulkus Diabetik dengan Perawatan Luka dan ROM untuk Mempercepat Penyembuhan Luka di PSBDBB 2 Cengkareng

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Umi Anggraeni
Dea Aprilya


Background: Diabetic ulcers are complications of DM that occur due to pressure on the feet and are caused by trauma experienced by the client or other complications. Wound care and lower extremity ROM training can help in the wound healing process. Purpose: The purpose of this case study was to identify the effectiveness of a combination of wound care and ROM training in diabetic ulcers. Method: The study demonstrated success in providing a combination of wound care and ROM training, as evidenced by a change in the size and ABI value in the client I, the wound size decreased from P: 3 to L: 2, and the ABI value increased from 0.75 to P: 1.5, L: 0.9, and ABI value: 1.07. As for client II, the wound size decreased from P: 6 to L: 5, and the ABI value increased from 0.67 to P: 4.5, L: 4, and ABI value: 1.2. Conclusion: The combination of wound care and ROM training can effectively aid in the wound healing process for patients with type II diabetic ulcers.

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