Asuhan Keperawatan Gangguan Mobilitas Fisik dengan Rom pada Pasien Stroke Non Hemoragik di Panti Sosial Bina Daksa Budi Bakti 2 Cengkareng Barat Jakarta Barat

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Kusnul Kotimah


Background: Stroke is caused by an obstruction to the flow of blood, caused by a blockage in the flow of blood to the brain, resulting in rupture of blood vessels (Insana Maria, 2021). (WHO, 2021) says that there are 13.7 million cases of stroke each year and around 5.5 million die from strokes. Stroke sufferers usually experience complications such as paralysis in both parts of the body and in all extremities. Most stroke survivors experience partial paralysis of the body (hemiprase). Purpose : Describe Nursing Care in Non-Hemorrhagic Stroke Patients withRange Of Motion (ROM) starting from assessment to evaluation. Method: using a case study with a descriptive method by taking two non-hemorrhagic stroke patients and then giving nursing care to non-hemorrhagic stroke patients with assessment, nursing diagnosis, nursing intervention, implementation, and evaluation. Results : after nursing actions for 3x24 hours passive ROM muscle strength in the first patient in the upper extremities became 4 and the lower extremities became 3 and the second patient started with muscle strength 0 to 1 the problem was partially resolved. Conclusion : there was an increase in muscle strength in both patients the problem was partially resolved. Suggestion: it is hoped that this case study will provide information for people who have had stroke problems so that complications do not occur.

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